Hey, I’m Kae, an Experience and Visual Designer based in Vancouver. I help create digital experiences and deliver them in neat visuals.

Previously a User Experience intern at SAP in Vancouver. Currently interning with IxCO in New York City as a Product Designer.

I'm my best when collaborating with multi-disciplinary groups to solve complex problems, and turning them into purposeful touchpoints.

My skills include user experience, user interaction, prototyping, and visual design. I like to take photos, mess around with type, and freelance on the side.

Also —


I'm a fan of sneakers, carrots, and all things anime


My favourite thing I learned to make in 2017 was this noodle bowlimage during a 9-week pottery gig


I'm a newbie to Medium and dribbble (nervous laughter)


See what I'm up to on Instagram at @kae.linh or @sosilkae


There's also LinkedIn > and my resume

I’m always looking to collaborate. You in? Drop me a line at kaelinhngo@gmail.com